HOMEPAGE coachesWesley West DuPont softball fieldvisitor’s guideadmissions news: ►rosterschedulestatswinter camp. To contact the team, please write Head Coach Juli Greep at Juli.Greep@wesley.edu; to contact this blog, please write WesleySoftball@gmail.com. Other than being a parent of a player, this blog has no association with Wesley College.

Friday, October 21, 2016


Advice geared more for those NOT on a softball team 
and/or anyone that works out alone...

When training isn't play

"We "play" sports. We don't "play" fitness training. 

"Actually working out is mostly boring and few people really enjoy it. They enjoy the benefits but so much the process. 

"How can we make working out a bit more fun and enjoyable? "

Buddy up. 

"Our moods, habits, and levels of performance naturally gravitate to the people with whom we spend the most time. This is particularly true in elite sport. 

"Cultivate a network of workout buddies who are positive and enjoy pushing themselves. You will work harder, have more fun, be more motivated and miss a lot less." 

-- Coach Marc
Softball Performance
Pompano Beach, Florida

Wesley Wolverine sophomore #8 OF Megan DiRubbio (Smyrna, DE).