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Wednesday, October 12, 2016


Wesley Wolverine sophomore
(Smyrna, DE)
Summary of longer article
4 pieces of advice from
an injury prone athlete

by Molly Balliet

Click here for the full article.

 1. Speak...

… it's better to attack it when it all starts; that way it may be a few days of you being out rather than a whole season...

Wesley Wolverine sophomore #13 Utility Ashley Royer (Lititz, PA)
2. Think Positive...

… your body was telling you, “Hey, something's wrong, listen to me!!!” and now you get to take a step back, evaluate it, and fix it before it becomes an issue again...

3. It's not the end of the world, it’s only a speed bump...

… Your working hard, making progress, then bam, you get hurt. A few days go by and your back doing your thing. It may have felt like an eternity, but when your back at practice, nothing changed... it's not like you forgot how to play...

4. Every set back is making you have a bigger and better come back...

… if you keep your head up, cross train and recover like there is no tomorrow, nothing will affect you. So keep your head up, appreciate every little step of progress you make, and don’t isolate yourself in a bucket of sadness...