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Tuesday, February 21, 2017


Four lessons learned
College athletics prepares players
for life's many tests and challenges

Quotes pulled from an online story headlined "Life Lessons Taught Through Sports" by Maggie Tabone at the Varsity News website. CLICK HERE for the full article.

"Sports have a lasting unique impact on our lives that cannot be compared to any other type of activity... one learns many great life lessons about working with others, facing adversity and effort...

1. Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard

"I was never the most talented athlete on any of the teams that I played for. 
I made my mark by working hard.... This translates to my everyday life... My academic success does not come from being the “smartest,” it purely comes from working hard and being diligent...

Wesley Wolverine junior #99 OF Lauren Hoffman (Middletown, DE).

2. Adversity Builds Character

"I have dealt with many different types of adversity as an athlete... I have learned to take adversity with grace and accept the challenge... Just because something didn’t go your way this time, doesn’t mean that you can’t fight through! This applies in the classroom, in relationships with others and in the workplace...

3. Teamwork Makes The Dream Work

"Being an athlete I have learned that we might not like everyone we come in contact with, but we must be able to respect them and put it aside for the greater good of the team. Being on a team has challenged me to work with teammates to accomplish our goals... I know I will be able to peacefully work with co-workers because I have had these experiences.

4. Pushing Myself Outside My Comfort Zone

"Having the ability to test myself and know that it is ok to step out of your comfort zone has allowed me to continue to strive to reach my fullest potential, in all aspects of my life."