HOMEPAGE coachesWesley West DuPont softball fieldvisitor’s guideadmissions news: ►rosterschedulestatswinter camp. To contact the team, please write Head Coach Juli Greep at Juli.Greep@wesley.edu; to contact this blog, please write WesleySoftball@gmail.com. Other than being a parent of a player, this blog has no association with Wesley College.

Saturday, November 26, 2016



Wesley Wolverine junior #99 OF Lauren Hoffman (Middletown, DE)
"Most athletes don't really aim for the top because they think there is too much competition.

"So they set 'achievable' goals.

"Problem is, there is a lot more competition for achievable goals than lofty ones.

"And of the few athletes who DO shoot for the top, most are not willing to do the intense physical and mental training needed to get there.

"That's why separating yourself from the field is much easier than you think. All you need to do is aim high and pay the price to get there.

"The catch?

"You must pay full price, and you must pay it in advance."

-- Lisa Lane Brown